The Future of Businesses and HVAC Technology in 2024
Discover the latest advancements in HVAC technology and how they will impact businesses in 2024. The HVAC industry is constantly evolving, with new...
2 min read
Standard Plumbing & Heating
Mar 23, 2021 8:05:07 AM
Poor ventilation can make a building uncomfortable or even downright unsafe for humans. Because it is estimated that Americans spend between 70 to 90 percent of their time indoors, investing in a better ventilation system is a worthwhile endeavor.
So, what signs can you look out for that might indicate necessary repairs or upgrades for your ventilation system?A room that is not properly ventilated will have problems with removing excess moisture from the air. This can manifest in fogged-up windows and damp surfaces throughout the building.
Not only is this a bad sign for the quality of your HVAC system, but it can also directly lead to the next item on our list.
Mold grows in damp areas, this is no surprise. But this is one of those pesky little problems that modern ventilation systems are specifically designed to combat! If you are perpetually finding mold spores reappearing in your building, it is safe to assume that you have a ventilation problem.
Recognizing the issue and acting quickly is a must, as poor air quality brought on by mold can bring about a host of health issues for the inhabitants of the building.
Perhaps you don’t see explicit signs of mold in your building, but your sinuses might still be telling you that something is amiss.
Persistent, stale and unpleasant odors can be a sign of hidden mold spores or other odor-causing particles. Additionally, irritation to noses and throats should not be ignored either. If people are persistently coming in with runny noses, sore throats, or calling in sick, then poor ventilation could be a major cause of these illnesses.
This one may come as a surprise to some people, but an unusual amount of dust perpetually collecting between weekly cleaning days can be a big red flag for your ventilation system, as it should help to filter out dust and debris on a continual basis when it is working properly.
If your cleaning crew is having a difficult time keeping up, you definitely need to check if the root of the problem is with the ventilation system.
A well-ventilated space easily maintains an even temperature. In the wintertime, a poor ventilation system will struggle to remove excess moisture from the air and have trouble bringing the room up to a comfortable temp. On the other hand, during the heat of the summer, a poorly ventilated room will feel heavy like a stuffy sauna.
In either case, a better ventilation system can help if you are not satisfied with the climate control in your building during the peak of the summer or the depths of winter.
No matter what, proper maintenance is always important to ensure you are getting the best air quality possible from your system. If it has been six months or more since the last time your ventilation system was serviced, then it is time to schedule a routine appointment.
Taking vigilant care of your ventilation system will ensure that fixtures are repaired and replaced quickly when needed.
Discover the latest advancements in HVAC technology and how they will impact businesses in 2024. The HVAC industry is constantly evolving, with new...
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